
Ready for Development (RfD) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting economic and social empowerment of communities through concerted, decent, and sustainable actions. 

Founded in September 2023, the organization provides the necessary resources and opportunities needed to create sustainable livelihoods, build assets, and safeguard communities.

RfD is run by a group of dynamic individuals who are passionate about community development, skills building,  knowledge transfer, and the development of future leaders.

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Our Vision & Mission


We envision a world where everyone lives in dignity and security.


Our mission is to build healthier communities by connecting people to real opportunities and resources.


What We Do

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Community Service

Community service is at the core of what we do at Ready for Development. We engage individuals who are selfless and committed to achieving a shared outcome.

Capacity building

We equip community organizations with skills  and strategies to gain greater control over their future development.



Economic & Social Empowerment

We provide access to resources and opportunities that create sustainable livelihoods, build assets, and safeguard communities.


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Campaigns are a very important part of our work as a development organization. We use campaigns to mobilize development actors and key decision-makers to engage in development initiatives.


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Our scholarship scheme targets individuals from low-income families to enable them to thrive through equitable pathways.



Seminars and conferences

Our seminars offer a platform to bridge the information divide, share experiences, express demands, and learn new ways of tackling challenges.


    Our Values

  • Love: We care for each other and treat everyone with respect, irrespective of background.
  • Integrity: We are reliable, trustworthy and accountable.
  • Passion: We are passionate about positive change and sustainable development. We embrace teamwork and value partnerships.
  • Authenticity: We are genuine to our cause and to those we serve.

What they say about us

Ready for development treat those they serve with dignity and remain genuine to their cause.

YUH Magnus

RFD contribue à l'autonomisation des jeunes et des communautés à travers ses programmes de renforcement de capacités et de développement durable....

Wilfried Gneto

Ready for Development provides resources and opportunities through equitable pathways to break the cycle of poverty in communities.

Dieni Njibili